Another Lost Skill of Newer Generations

It has become apparent to me that the newer Generations have for some reason lost the ability to simply “listen”. Do you agree? What do you think can be done to change this phenomenon? Thank You Author’s Reply * Thank you for your interest. * I...

Common Sense

I came across your site and I love the premise. Here is my question. I know too many adults who show poor judgement or as this site focuses on, Common Sense, but at what age should you teach common sense? My daughter just became a teenage and she has been making some...

Can You Teach Someone Common Sense

LOVE your Website!! My question is; Can you teach someone Common Sense even though it is painfully obvious the person does not have any? Author’s Reply * Thank you for the positive feedback. * Yes! Common Sense can be taught! * I taught Common Sense for 14 years...

Dealing with Lack of Common Sense

So there is this woman at work that has NO common sense at all, it is making my job much much harder to do. The problem is, this woman is my Boss….. What am I to do? Author’s Answer…When faced with a specific situation, present the benefits of a...

Lack of Common Sense – WHY?

The lack of common sense boils down to two things. Selfishness and ego. People today place so much stock in being right all the time, in winning – even when there is nothing to win or lose, that they have lost touch with the most basic of human functions. Common...