By the time a child reaches five years old, 90% of their brain has already developed; which means the progression from birth to school is the most important time of their lives. Development of supports and barriers starts in the womb!


Research shows that the outside influences can affect the unborn childs brain development; both positively and negatively (i.e., supports and barriers)!


Far from being a blank slate, even the youngest babies already seem to have some basic ideas about other people, about language, about the physical world, and about the objects around them.


Early experiences affect the development of brain architecture which providess the foundation for all future learning, behavior, and health. The future of a child’s developing brain is in our hands. Parents, caregivers, and family members all have a part to play in helping to form a baby’s brain (i.e., supports and/or barriers). Despite coming prewired with huge capabilities and potential, the brain depends heavily on environmental input to keep growing and developing. In this early period is where we are just free to learn and explore without having to put all that learning to work. Having a caregiver who’s actually willing to invest in taking care of you is one of the prerequisites for being able to do all the amazing learning that we know babies are capable of (i.e., A STAY- AT- HOME PARENT!).


The potential for further development of a child’s brain is present during this period. As the child progresses through this period the rapidly increasing environmental influences present opportunities for brain development. Formal education creates awareness of various options available regarding behaviors and/or practices (i.e., mimicking teachers, mentors, other students, etc.). Unfortunately, there is no formal curriculum for common sense in America’s education system; and very little, if any, teaching takes place regarding a definition for common sense! In my first book…Remaking America Is Up To You…a new paradigm for teaching common sense is presented that covers Early Child Development, Primary and Secondary Education, Advanced Education, and Adult Education.


The adult students have had no formal training regarding the nature of common sense; most can not tell you what the dictionary definition is! Minimum increases in brain development are possible, but not probable.


Minimum increases in brain development are possible, but highly unlikely.


* Common Sense will become a powerful personal strength for making decisions and solving problems when a rigorous, comprehensive, Common Sense curriculum is an essential element of America’s educational system! A paradigm shift is needed now!

* During the time from birth to school (i.e., 90% of brain development takes place) the caregiver for a child should be a paid, stay-at-home parent. That approach is not unique. It is being done as you read, by another country. A paradigm shift is needed now!

* America is failing mothers! From high maternal death rates to uneven distribution of household chores. It is harder to be a mother in America than in any other developed country. A paradigm shift is needed now!

Post #2 ended with three questions I set out to answer. Because a new definition of Common Sense is yet to be accepted, environmental influences and life experiences are unpredictable, the answers to those questions are qualitative in nature.

Q #1…Is it possible for us to have a  mixture of supports and barriers?

A #1…Highly probable.

Q #2…Can someone have all supports and no barriers?

A #2…Not probable.

Q #3…Can someone have all barriers and no supports?

A #3…Not probable.