Post #24…Workforce Pipeline Challenges

Now that we have defined a Workforce Time-Line we can discuss the challenges that the Workforce faces, and how they affect the education and health of the Workforce. Before we go forward there are three critical points that need to be highlighted. 1. The bond between...

Post #23…Workforce Development…Womb to Tomb

Since the most valuable resource a country has is its people, we need to understand how the people’s Workforce is developed. We need a Workforce Development Time-Line! PRE-SCHOOL…Womb – 5 years old Emphasis…play, socializing, and basic...

Post #22…No Common Sense…Example #15

Pool Table Tops A small business designs and manufactures recreational products such as pool tables, ping pong tables, and above the ground swimming pools. The pool table line has a range of table top thicknesses from compressed particle board. One production line is...

Post #21…Congress’ Report Card

The preamble of the Constitution clearly presents the to-do list for the members of Congress and the President. 1. Form a more perfect union. 2. Establish justice. 3. Insure domestic tranquility. 4. Provide for the common defense. 5. Promote the general welfare. 6....

Post #20…No Common Sense…Example #14

Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster was a fatal incident on January 28, 1986 in the United States space program where the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members aboard. It was...

Post #19…No Common Sense…Example #13

American Education Priority The most important resource that a nation has is its people. A superbly educated, and healthy, workforce are key to developing a strong economy. The Department of Education is responsible for developing a superbly educated workforce. You...