by tjb | Feb 15, 2023 | Author's Posts
Andrea Doria Collison The collison between the Andrea Doria and the Stockholm took place in 1956. The Andrea Doria left its home port in Genoa, made several stops, and was nearing New York, its final destination. The Stockholm left New York on its way to Gothenburg,...
by tjb | Feb 8, 2023 | Author's Posts
Post #21 gave you the opportunity to grade Congress’ performance with respect to what they pledged to do when they took their oath of office. 1. Form a more perfect union. 2. Establish justice. 3. Insure domestic tranquility. 4. Provide for the common defense....
by tjb | Feb 1, 2023 | Author's Posts
Bhopal Disaster In 1984 Union Carbide was operating a pesticide plant (UCIL) in Bhopal, Madhya Redesh India. On the night of December 2-3 1984 the Bhopal gas tragedy took place. The industrial disaster is considered the world’s worst in history. 500,000 people...
by tjb | Jan 26, 2023 | Author's Posts
Hyatt Regency Hotel Collapse On July 17, 1981, the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri, suffered the structural collapse of two overhead walkways. Loaded with partygoers, the concrete and glass platforms cascaded down, crashing onto a tea dance in the lobby,...
by tjb | Jan 19, 2023 | Author's Posts
Hubble Telescope NASA has always recruited the best-of-the-best scientific, engineering, and management talent. What happened with the Hubble telescope? * Hubble was the first telescope designed to be maintained in space by astronaughts. * The telescope was...
by tjb | Jan 11, 2023 | Author's Posts
Congress’ Debacle-2022 A recent debacle in Congress revealed two embarrassing truths about America to the world. 1. America’s government of, by, and for the people is a myth. 2. Any fool can be elected to a seat in Congress. THE MYTH It took 15 votes to...