Super Carburetors

* The most productive inventor in the field of carburetion was probably G.A. Moore. Out of some 1,700 patents that he held, 250 of them were related to the automobile and its carburetion. While industry relies on his air brakes and fuel injection systems, it has completely ignored his systems for reducing pollution, gaining more mileage, and improving engine performance in general. As far back as the mid 1920s Moore’s systems were found to be capable of virtually eliminating monoxide pollution. Persons involved in the automotive field viewed Moore as an authentic genius and could not understand why the industry ignored his advanced automotive designs (Seventeen of his patents are reprinted in The Works of George Arlington Moore).

* The Bascle carburetor was developed and patented in the mid 1950s. It supposedly raised mileage by 25 percent and reduced pollution by 45 percent. Its inventor, Joseph Bascle, was a well known Baton Rouge researcher who modified every carburetor in the local Yellow Cab fleet shortly after his arrival there. In the 1970s he was still optimistic and hinted that the time had come for selfishness to be put aside in regard to fuel systems.

* In the early 1970s a small concern in the Los Angeles area turned out a number or remarkable Variable Venturi Carburetors; the Kendig Carburetors. Most of these were hand made for racing cars. Buying one of their less sophisticated prototypes, a young college student mounted it on his old Mercury “Gas Hog”. Entering it in a California air pollution run, the student won easily. Not only did the carburetor reduce pollution; it gave almost twice the mileage. Within the week the student allegedly was told to remove his carburetor; it was not approved by the Air Resources Board. Due for production in 1975, the Simpler Kendig model has yet to be produced.



* Which supports and barriers were in play?

* What were the dynamics?

* Who, or what, won the Tug-of-War?

* Discuss the outcomes with your friends and family.

* Use Post #4 as a reference for the dynamics, and the relationships, between supports and barriers.