To compete in a global economy fueled by super technology the United states needs to have a superbly educated and healthy workforce.

* Post #65 confirmed one reason why we don’t have a superbly educated workforce; Inclusion.

* Let’s look into the definition of a healthy workforce.

Healthy Workforce…minimum stress from womb to tomb.

* What do we stress about?…Common Sense is not common practice…Civic Ignorance…dysfunctional government…homelessness…a mediocre education system…the quality and cost of higher education…a dysfunctional election process…a dysfunctional foreign policy…a dysfunctional immigration policy…a dysfunctional criminal justice system…inadequate gun control…a dysfunctional taxation system…corruption and immorality everywhere…we value profit over people…we tolerate racism…our infrastructure is crumbling…we support abuses of power…we have a military action culture…neglected veterans…we suppress innovation to benefit special-interest groups…we have disease care, not health care…the quality and cost of health care…the need, quality, and cost of child care…salary equality for men and women…mass shootings…the cost of living.

* We are nowhere near minimum stress from womb to tomb! We are not a healthy workforce!

* At this point in time the United States will not be able to successfully compete in a global economy fueled by super technology because we do not have a superbly educated and healthy workforce!



* Which supports and barriers were in play?

* What were the dynamics?

* Who, or what, won the Tug-of-War?

* Discuss the outcome with your friends and family.

* Use Post #4  as a reference for the dynamics, and the relationships, between supports and barriers.