Congress’ Job Requirements
We left Post #14 with the knowledge that job requirements for the most important jobs of America’s workforce, members of Congress, are no better than the job requirements for the most basic jobs of America’s workforce; Unskilled Labor. By the way, there is nothing in the Constitution that prevents a convicted felon from running for President.
Lets take a look at what passes through the open gates to Congress. I used a report from the Congressional Research Service (i.e., Membership of the 117th Congress: A Profile, Updated July 13, 2022…R4705) to get the names of the members of Congress. I searched the web for profiles of each member of Congress (i.e., Senate and the House of Representatives); and reviewed them all. Some clarification of terms used in the profiles is necessary.
* Life-time Politician…a person that stays a politician once he/she is elected; a politician whose only career has been politics.
* Early Career…Career experience prior to politics.
Unfortunately less than 2% of the Members of Congress have actually had only one career; politics. The rest of Congress has had one or two careers prior to getting into politics, The list for the Senate had 100 seats with no vacancies. The list for the House of Representatives had 454 seats with 13 vacancies, netting 441 seats. Let’s start with the Senate.
Pre-politics Career…# of Senators
Lawyer…44 Businessman…12 Businesswoman…3 Educator…6 Doctor…5
Teacher…3 Politician…3 Military…3
Engineer…3 Social Worker…2
Football Coach…1 Astronaut…1 Optometrist…1 Geologist…1 Film Producer…1 Pastor…1 Factory Worker…1
Lobbyist…1 Farmer…1 Management Consultant…1 Psychologist…1 Banker…1 Financial Advisor…1 Insurance/ Real Estate…1
Political Activist…1
Total = 100 Senators
Lawyers and Businessmen/Businesswomen, represent 59% of the Senate. Twenty-three careers represent the remaining 41% of the Senate. It is interesting to note that Lawyers are trained to win at any cost, and Businessmen/Businesswomen are trained to focus on profit. Let’s take a similar look at the House of Representatives.
Pre-politics Career…# of House Representatives
Lawyer…129 Businessman…79 Businessworman…24 Medical…24 Military…19 Teacher…17 Educator…11
Journalist…9 Administration…9 Farmer…8 Activisit…5 Manager…5
Public Relations…5
Police…4 Finance…4 Sports…4 Politician…4 Consultant…4 Social Worker…3 Caregiver…3 Scientist…3
CIA…3 Pastor…3 Blue Collar Worker…3 Entertainment…2 Labor…2
911 Dispatcher…2 Mediator…2
Fire Fighter…2 Marketing Consultant…2 Real Estate…2 Diplomat…2 Lobbyist…2 Publisher…2 Radio…2
Intern…2 Delagate…1 Clerical…1 Respritory Therapist…1 Cosmologist…1 Environmental Specialist…1
Defense…1 Urban Planning…1 Meterologist…1 Speech Writer…1 Auctioneer…1 Veterinarian…1
Judge…1 Accountant…1 Pilot…1 Astronaught…1 Socialite…1 Art…1 Music…1 Academic…1
Criminologist…1 Philosophy…1 Security…1 Flight Attendant…1 Insurance…1 Planned Parenthood…1
Mortgage Banking…1 Political Science…1 Computer Science…1 Chemistry…1 Postman…1
Total = 441 House Representatives
Lawyers, Businessmen, and Businesswomen represent 53% of the House. Sixty-four careers represent the remaining 47% of the House. Once again, it is interesting to note that Lawyers are trained to win at any cost, and Businessmen and Businesswomen are trained to focus on profit.
The current dynamic in Congress is two parties fighting for control of the legislative process; fueled by big money from special interest business groups! It is not surprising that the Senate and the House of Representatives have morphed into Lawyers and Business people controlling the two branches of Congress at approximately the same level; 53% of the House and 59% of the Senate. That is what the “open gates” of job requirements fills the arena with. But wait, WE ELECT THE GLADIATERS! What is wrong with us?
* Which supports and barriers were in play?
* What were the dynamics?
* Who, or what, won the Tug-of-War? Why?
* Discuss the outcome with your family and friends.
* Use Post #4 as a reference for the dynamics and the relationships between supports and barriers.