Alternative Sources Of Funding

* America started collecting Personal Income Taxes in 1913. As time went by the country grew, and so did the Personal Income Taxes; from $99.7 billion in 1962, to $4.9 trillion in 2022. Taxes on Personal Income continue to be a source of great stress on the workforce. From 1913 to 2024 we have been in a Personal Income Tax Box. I decided to look “Outside-The-Box” for Alternative Sources Of Funding. I thought it was time to take the pressure for funding the government off the backs of the people; and tap into the immense wealth of our democratic system, draw from the most powerful special interest groups, and take advantage of our most dangerous social habits. I started with a 1% tax on the revenue/value of 20 areas of interest that might be alternative sources of funding for the government.

           1% Tax…$                             Areas of Interest

 1.  5,148,000,000,000…..$ Traded on the FX…avg.

 2.     131,382,400,000…..Total Bank Assets…2017.

 3.       44,164,100,000…..Insurance Co. Assets…2016.

 4.       22,482,090,000…..Value of Imports…2016.

 5.       14,504,570,000…..Value of Exports…2016.

 6.         8,040,000,000…..Ent. & Media Revenue…2021.

 7.         6,832,900,000…..Gas & Oil Revenue…2017.

 8.         3,652,000,000…..Amazon U.S. Revenue…2017.

 9.         3,373,000,000…..Pharmaceutical Revenue…2016.

10.        2,232,000,000…..Alcoholic Bev. Revenue…2016.

11.        1,582,000,000…..Airline Revenue…2017.

12.        1,212,268,000…..Tabaco Revenue…2011.

13.           912,500,000…..Pent. War Spending…2017.

14.           731,000,000…..Casino Gambling…2016.

15.           361,410,400…..U.S. Prof. Sports Revenue…2015.

16.           355,831,673…..Shares Traded Value…2017.

17.           327,800,000…..TV Revenue…2020.

18.           146,000,000…..Amusement Pk. Revenue…2014.

19.           135,000,000…..Gun & Ammo. Revenue…2015.

20.             36,800,000…..Private Prison Revenue…2015.

Total 1% Taxes = $ 5,390,463,670,073…approx. $ 5.4 trillion.

Total 2% Taxes = approx. $ 10.8 trillion.

Total 3% Taxes = approx. $ 16.2 trillion.

The 2017 Federal Budget was approx. $ 9.0 trillion.

* Results of the “Outside-The-Box” search for alternative sources of funding justify continuing efforts to identify more Areas of Interest.

* No Federal Tax on Personal Income is possible!



* Which supports and balances were in play?

* What were the dynamics?

* Who, or what, won the Tug-of-War?

*Discuss the outcome with your friends and family.

* Us Post #4 as a reference for the dynamics and relationships between supports and barriers.