Author’s Posts
Post #91…No Common Sense…Example #78
Super Carburetors * The most productive inventor in the field of carburetion was probably G.A. Moore. Out of some 1,700 patents that he held, 250 of them were related to the automobile and its carburetion. While industry relies on his air brakes and fuel injection...
Youth moving in the right direction?
Do you believe the children in grade school are better equipped for our changing world, than say those that graduated 30-50 years ago? In what way yes or no? Author's Reply * Thank you for your interest. * YES! * Post #3 is a detailed explanation for my YES! * I...
Post #90…No Common Sense…Example #77
Trustworthy Professions * The following comments were taken from the February 22, 2024 issue of The Kiplinger Letter. "CAREERS: When it comes to the country's most trustworthy professions, Nurses top the list with 78% of Americans rating nurses' honesty and ethics as...
Another Lost Skill of Newer Generations
It has become apparent to me that the newer Generations have for some reason lost the ability to simply "listen". Do you agree? What do you think can be done to change this phenomenon? Thank You Author's Reply * Thank you for your interest. * I agree! * Not listening...
Post #89…No Common Sense…Example #76
Ultrasonic Fuel Systems * With the advent of the fuel crisis of 1973 there were a number of experimenters who found solutions involving the use of ultrasonic fuel systems. Much of this work involved using some transducers to "vibrate" existing fuels down to much...
Common Sense
I came across your site and I love the premise. Here is my question. I know too many adults who show poor judgement or as this site focuses on, Common Sense, but at what age should you teach common sense? My daughter just became a teenage and she has been making some...
Post #88…No Common Sense…Example #75
Water to Hydrogen Fuel * Sam Leach of Los Angeles developed a revolutionary hydrogen extraction process during the mid-1970s. This unit was said to easily extract free Hydrogen from water and yet be small enough for use in automobiles. In 1976 two independent labs in...
Can You Teach Someone Common Sense
LOVE your Website!! My question is; Can you teach someone Common Sense even though it is painfully obvious the person does not have any? Author's Reply * Thank you for the positive feedback. * Yes! Common Sense can be taught! * I taught Common Sense for 14 years at...
Post #87…No Common Sense…Example #74
Fuelless Car Systems * Robert Alexander and a partner spent only forty-five days and around five-hundred dollars to put together a car that confounded experts. A small 7/8 twelve-volt motor provided the initial power. Once going, a hydraulic and air system took over...