Author’s Posts


Post #21…Congress’ Report Card

The preamble of the Constitution clearly presents the to-do list for the members of Congress and the President. 1. Form a more perfect union. 2. Establish justice. 3. Insure domestic tranquility. 4. Provide for the common defense. 5. Promote the general welfare. 6....

Post #20…No Common Sense…Example #14

Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster was a fatal incident on January 28, 1986 in the United States space program where the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, killing all seven crew members aboard. It was...

Post #19…No Common Sense…Example #13

American Education Priority The most important resource that a nation has is its people. A superbly educated, and healthy, workforce are key to developing a strong economy. The Department of Education is responsible for developing a superbly educated workforce. You...

Post #18…COVID Confusion

Many families in America, with the full range of vaccination history (i.e., none-partial- complete), are asking how can we manage family gatherings? One approach is to use a fundamental law of common sense: Before you design the future you must learn from the past and...

Lack of Common Sense – WHY?

The lack of common sense boils down to two things. Selfishness and ego. People today place so much stock in being right all the time, in winning – even when there is nothing to win or lose, that they have lost touch with the most basic of human functions. Common...

Do we really have free will?

The problem of free will arises when humans reach a stage of self-consciousness about how profoundly the world may influence their behavior, in ways of which they are unaware. The advent of doctrines of “determinism” or “necessity” in the history of ideas is an...

Will SCOTUS entertain his last ditch effort?

Trump and his team are requesting the Supreme Court review the 11th Circuit of Appeals' stay order issued in September, which allowed investigators to review the seized classified documents without supervision from a special master. They argue the 11th Circuit lacked...

Post #17…No Common Sense…Example #12

Titantic's Lifeboats The RMS Titantic was a luxury British steamship that sank in the early hours of April 15, 1912 after striking an iceberg, leading to the deaths of more than 1,500 passengers and crew. The Titantic was the largest and most luxurious ship in the...

Why is Doing the Right Thing SO HARD for some people?

COVID-19 is here to stay, it is not going away. There are those who don't believe it to be real and there are those who act responsibly in regards to family, friends, co-workers and others. Then there are those who only think about themselves even when it involves...