Author’s Posts


Post #36…No Common Sense…Example #24

Andrea Doria Collison The collison between the Andrea Doria and the Stockholm took place in 1956. The Andrea Doria left its home port in Genoa, made several stops, and was nearing New York, its final destination. The Stockholm left New York on its way to Gothenburg,...

Violence and the Police

A good friend of mine turned me onto your website! The problem does not seem to be getting any better. Innocent people continue to be killed by the Police for no other reason than sport (as far as I can see) There seems to be a vicious cycle of Incident -> Outrage...

Post #33…No Common Sense…Example #22

Hyatt Regency Hotel Collapse On July 17, 1981, the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri, suffered the structural collapse of two overhead walkways. Loaded with partygoers, the concrete and glass platforms cascaded down, crashing onto a tea dance in the lobby,...

Post #35…Congress’ Report Card Follow-Up

Post #21 gave you the opportunity to grade Congress' performance with respect to what they pledged to do when they took their oath of office. 1. Form a more perfect union. 2. Establish justice. 3. Insure domestic tranquility. 4. Provide for the common defense. 5....

Can Computers Learn Common Sense?

With the influx of computer generated AI these days, it is becoming more evident that AI can replace most functions performed by humans. Recently a McDonalds has opened that has NO human employees. The question is will AI eventually learn to exhibit Common Sense? I...

Post #32…No Common Sense …Example #21

Hubble Telescope NASA has always recruited the best-of-the-best scientific, engineering, and management talent. What happened with the Hubble telescope? * Hubble was the first telescope designed to be maintained in space by astronaughts. * The  telescope was...

Post #34…No Common Sense…Example #23

Bhopal Disaster In 1984 Union Carbide was operating a pesticide plant (UCIL) in Bhopal, Madhya Redesh India. On the night of December 2-3 1984 the Bhopal gas tragedy took place. The industrial disaster is considered the world's worst in history. 500,000 people were...

Classified Documents – What’s Going On

Now that the growing list of Politicians has grown to 3 (Trump, Biden and now Pence) that have Classified Documents at their residence, it would seem to me that he real blame lies with the Archives Department. Your thoughts? I agree. It is an old system poorly...

Post #31…No Common Sense…Example #20

Congress' Debacle-2022 A recent debacle in Congress revealed two embarrassing truths about America to the world. 1. America's government of, by, and for the people is a myth. 2. Any fool can be elected to a seat in Congress.  THE MYTH It took 15 votes to elect a...