High Impact Ignorance
* Forensic Pathologists agree that “Knowing what we know today, there is no reason whatsoever that any child under the age of 18 should play the high-impact sports”. You reach peak bone density around your 18th birthday.
* The top six high-impact sports are American Football, Ice Hockey, Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, wrestling, and Rugby Not far behind are Lacrosse, gymnastics, Cheer and Dance, Soccer, Basketball, Running, Tennis, and Handball.
* America’s starting age range for youth participation in some of the above high-impact sports is:
Football…5-6 Cheer & Dance…3-17 Ice Hockey…5-7 Wrestling…5-9 Boxing…7-12 Lacrosse…8-18 Mixed Martial Arts…16-18
* A Boston University study found that Tackle Football at a young age raises the risk for brain decline.
* Researchers found that repetitive blows to the head may lead to less white matter in the brain; potentially causing impulsive behavior and other thinking-related problems such as problem solving, reading comprehension, self-control, judgement, reasoning, foresight, perception, and memory (i.e., mental characteristics that support common sense).
* Which supports and barriers were in play?
*What were the dynamics?
* Who, or what, won the Tug-of- War?
* Discuss the outcome with your friends and family.
* Use Post #4 as a reference for the dynamics and relationships between supports and barriers.