Back To School Blues

Before we get into details remember that; in order to compete in a global economy fueled by super technology America needs a superbly educated workforce.

* The children are our most important resource because they are the workforce of the future. The teacher/student dynamic makes teaching a critical factor in Workforce development.

* A 2023 survey of more than 3,200 teachers indicated that the average amount that teachers spent on supplies, out of pocket, in 2023 was $ 860. The median classroom school supply budget is $ 200. 93% of teachers say that it is not enough to cover their needs.

Items Teachers Need For The 2023-2024 School Year…….% of Teachers

     Basic School Supplies  …84     Books…55     Inclusive/Adaptive Materials…55

Technology…44     Furniture…43

Mental Health Resources…38

Resources Promoting Racial Equity…36

PPE, Cleaning, or Safety Equipment…33

Professional Development…25

* More than 90% of America’s teachers reach into their own pockets to purchase classroom supplies.

* 16% of teachers work a second job to support their education career.

* America’s students are not progressing to catch up to their peers in other industrialized countries. The relative decline of American education has long been a national embarrassment, as well as a threat to the nation’s future.

* It wasn’t until the mid-1980s that the federal government took a more robust role in K-12 education; responding to constant  reports of poor student performance since the 1960s. The government funding was for special projects focused on solving specific problems. The funding of education is still the responsibility of the states or localities.

* We are a long way from a superbly educated workforce!



* Which supports and barriers were in play?

* What were the dynamics?

* Who, or What, won the Tug-of-War?

* Discuss the outcome with your friends and family.

* Use Post #4 as a reference for the relationships and dynamics between the supports and barriers.