No Common Sense Can Be Evil

* …” During the holocaust, Nazi scientists assayed non-Arian blood to determine race specific disease susceptibilities. Blacks and homosexuals, along with Jews, were persecuted by the Nazis. Over 10,000 gay men were murdered.

Similarly, U.S. intelligence agencies have been targeting blacks and gays for assassinations, illegal wire taps, and counterintelligence campaigns from the McCarthy era in the 1980s. American black and civil rights groups and their leaders were considered communist threats during the cold war years; particularly during the late 1960s and early 1979s when Nixon, Kissinger, and Hoover supported COINTELPRO funding for FBI and CIA activities aimed at neutralizing all such domestic, and foreign, black and homosexual threats.

The use of Third World people and American black and prisoners for unconscionable pharmaceutical experimentation and covert economic, social, and environmental exploitation by the U.S. and other western countries has been repeatedly alleged by reputable sources…” (by Leonard G. Horowiz, a Harvard graduate and internationally known public health education authority).



* Which supports and barriers were in play?

* What were the dynamics?

* Who, or What, won the Tug-of-War?

* Discuss the outcome with your friends and family

* Use Post #4 as a reference for the dynamics and relationships between supports and barriers.