Post #110…No Common Sense…Example #95

Prescription Warnings * Millions of people are taking prescription drugs. * When they pick-up their pills they receive a data sheet that contains information required by law.  * The font is small enough to make it hard to read. * Here is some information regarding a...

Post #109…No Common Sense…Example #94

Workforce Skill-Sets * America’s most important resource is its children; the future Workforce. * America’s Workforce Skill-Sets range from manual labor to educated professionals. How are Workforce Skill-Sets created? 1. Researchers/Scientists use Mental...

Post #108…No Common Sense…Example #93

Best System = Mediocre Product? Before we get into details, we must establish four critical references. 1. “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”-Nelson Mandela. 2. President George Washington once wrote; “A primary...

Post #107…No Common Sense…Publications

* Putting together Post #106 made me realize that users of the website may not have opened the Publications page to see what I have done in the past; so here is a review of my past publications. …Book #1… REMAKING AMERICA IS UP TO YOU! The Future Is...

Post #106…No Common Sense…Example #92

The Poisoning of America Gerald Posner is an award-winning journalist who has written twelve books, including the Pulitzer Prize finalist Case Closed and multiple national bestsellers. His 2015 book, God’s Bankers, a two-hundred-year history of the finances of...

Post #105…No Common Sense…Example #91

The World Happiness Report * The World Happiness Report was created in 2012. This annual report ranks global happiness in more than 140 countries around the world. The ranking is based on six factors- social...