Arrogant Ignorance…the repression of innovation.

* This negative attitude toward many great discoveries represents a tremendous ego threat. Today such negativity is compounded with the industrialization of medicine. Arrogant Ignorance has followed science and  medicine throughout history, beginning with the learned colleagues of Galileo who refused to even look through the glass of his new invention, the telescope, because they believed they already knew all about the laws of physics. That “not invented here” attitude is alive and well at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Is it only a coincidence that “not invented here” shares initials with our governments National Institute of Health?

* French explorer Jacques Cartier, in 1535, learned from the American Indians that pine-needle tea prevented and cured scurvy; a vitamin C deficiency disease. Upon his return to France, Cartier excitedly shared his discovery with French doctors who turned a cold shoulder; such primitive therapy was witchcraft.

* Dr. Peres was diagnosed with stage D2 prostate cancer spread throughout his body. In lay terms, you can’t have a gloomier prognosis. After he adopted a natural regimen based on a low-fat vegetarian macro-biotic diet, his cancer went into complete remisson. Naturally overjoyed, upon his return to funcdtional living he noticed that many of his medical colleagues appeared angry that he had survived. Would they rather he die than heal himself with this unorthodox treatment? This very same disdain has been noted by cancer patients who have sought out alternative canceer doctors and have gone into permanent remission, only to be told by their doctor that they never had cancer to begin with; despite the complete diagnostic work-up that he had witnessed’. Negative reactions ranged from obvious anger to feigned indifference. It must also be told that there are doctors who secretly recommend alternative treatments but warn their patients to never tell the wrong party lest the doctor get in trouble.



* Which supports and barriers were in play?

* What were the dynamics?

* Who, or what, won the Tug-of-War?

* Discuss the outcome with your friends and family.

* Use Post #4 as a reference for the dynamics, and the relationships, between supports and barriers.