* To compete in a global economy fueled by super technology the United States needs to have a superbly educated and healthy workforce; we have neither! Before we get into details we need to establish some important definitions.

Superbly Educated Workforce...maximum development of each students inherent potential.

Healthy Workforce…minimum stress from womb to tomb.

Classroom…a group of General Education and Special Education students.

Classroom Management (CM)…all the things a teacher does to organize student’s space, time, and materials so that instruction in content and student learning can take place.

Teaching Time (TT)…focus on content and student learning.

Inclusion in Education…providing an education for Special Education Students, in a general classroom, using the standard curriculum whenever possible. For some students, this will require some Special Accommodations.

* Here is how Special Accommodations have affected CM and TT for a highly regarded Teacher (20+ years of experience), in an affluent town, at an Intermediate School, with a class size of 16-28 students in an Academic Class.

Inclusion Level…(0)…no Inclusion.

CM = 5%…..TT = 95%

Inclusion Level…(1)…one student with a plan that is independent and does not need support.

CM = 10%…..TT = 90%

Inclusion Level…(2)…one student with need for support, and the second person is a Special Education Teacher.

CM = 15%…..TT = 85%

Inclusion Level…(3)…one student with need for support, and the second person is a Paraprofessional (aide).

CM = 40%…..TT = 60%

Inclusion Level…(4)…one student with need for support, and has behavior problems, the second person is a Paraprofessional (aide).

CM = 50%…..TT = 50%

* It seems that there are no “laws” that limit the number of Special Education Students in a classroom; each school district “shooting from the hip”. If you had to deal with Inclusion levels 0-4 above, TT would be approximately 22%.

TT = (0.95)(0.90)(0.85)(0.60)(0.50) = 0.218 = 22%

…not world class stuff…and it could be worse.

* Some ‘”experts” are comfortable with a 30% maximum for the number of Special Education Students in a classroom. Let’s see how that works out for a classroom with 20 students. The number of Special Education Students would be (0.30)(20) = 6.  The minimum impact would be when all of the 6 students would be Inclusion Level (1), making TT = 50%.

TT = (0.95)(0.90)(0.90)(0.90)(0.90)(0.90)(0.90) = 0.505 =  50%

The maximum impact would be when all of the 6 students would be Inclusion Level (4), making TT = 1 %.

TT = (0.95)(0.50)(0.50)(0,50)(0.50)(0.50)(0.50) = 0.015 = 1%.

* It is obvious that Inclusion will never result in a Superbly Educated Workforce; which will prevent the United States from successfully competing in a global economy fueled by super technology.

* Inclusion will not allow maximum development of the inherent potential of General Education Students or Special Education Students.

* The student/teacher interface is the critical factor in the development of a student’s inherent potential. The interface for Special Education students is different than the interface for General Education students. Different teaching techniques are required for each student group. Each student group deserves our best effort to develop their inherent potential. Inclusion is not the way!

* Without Inclusion our education system is mediocre compared to other industrialized countries. With Inclusion it will be worse; and both student groups and teachers will suffer! The number of people choosing teaching as a career is decreasing. Younger teachers are being stressed out of their careers, and more experienced teachers are hanging on because they are too close to retirement to walk away from their full pension!

* Just as the different levels of Math require a Math Teacher specializing in a specific level; a Special Education Teacher specializing in a specific special education need is required to properly address the development of a Special Education Student’s inherent potential.

* America’s most important resource is its children. Teachers are the most important factor in the development of that resource’s inherent potential; and the inherent potential of America!

* If we don’t implement a Paradigm Shift in our education system in which teachers are the best trained, most respected, and are financially compensated based on the importance of  their careers to America’s future; our future is grim!



* Which supports and barriers were in play?

* What were the dynamics?

* Who, or what, won the Tug-of-War?

* Discuss the outcome with your friends and family.

* Use Post #4 as a reference for the dynamics, and the relationships, between supports and barriers.