Profit Before People

* Mary Jones had a bad Labor Day weekend. She fell in her bathroom, was taken by 911 responders to the local emergency room, was moved to a hospital room, and then transported to a local rehabilitation facility.

* The rehabilitation facility’s appearance was excellent, inside and out. The initial reaction was “WOW”. It did not take long to realize that beauty is only skin deep! The facility was understaffed. Unsolicited statements by the staff made it clear that understaffing was the norm, not just a holiday weekend problem.

* Double shifts were “available if you want”; an indication that underpaid workers will always need extra shifts to make ends meet.

* One new employee indicated that “I have been here for two  months, but I don’t think I will stay”.

* Another employee said “I have been here since the building was built. I love my building, but there is not enough staff to maintain adequate service”.

* Response time to pressing the call button for the nurse, or the nurse’s aide, was poor at best!

* There was a definite lack of communication between the levels of management; the left-hand did not know what the right-hand was doing.

* It was clear that profit was being put before people! 



* Which supports and barriers were in play?

* What were the dynamics?

* Who, or what, won the Tug-of-War?

* Discuss the outcome with your friends and family.

* Use Post #4 as a reference for the dynamics, and relationships, between supports and barriers.