Fluoridation Hoax
* The controversy surrounding fluoridation raises a number of important socio-ethical issues which cannot be overlooked. One of the most burning questions is whether the fluoridation program represents a milestone in the advancement of community health or the opportunistic outcome of a powerful lobby concerned largely to advance its own vested interests at the expense of the interests of the public.
Facts About Fluoride
Tooth Decay Is Not Reduced By Water Fluoridation!
* A computer analysis of the data from the largest dental survey ever done-of nearly 40,000 school children- by the National Institutes of Dental Research revealed no correlation between tooth decay and fluoridation. In fact, many of the non-fluoridated cities had better tooth decay rates than fluoridated cities. The city with the lowest rate of tooth decay was not fluoridated. Of the three with the highest rate of decay, two were partially fluoridated.
* The Missouri State Bureau of Dental Health had conducted a survey of more than 6,500 life-long resident second and sixth-grade children in Various parts of Missouri and found that overall…there were no significant differences between children drinking optimally fluoridated water and children drinking sub-optimally fluoridated water.
Albert W. Burgstahler, Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry, University of Kansas
* School districts reporting the highest caries-free rates, were totally un-fluoridated. How does one explain this?
A. S. Gray, D.D.S.
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 1987
* Which supports and barriers were in play?
* What where the dynamics?
* Who, or what. won the Tug-of-War?
* Discuss the outcome with your friends and family.
* Use Post #4 as a reference for the dynamics, and relationships, between supports and barriers.