Post #133…No Common Sense…Example #118

Pee and Poop in the classroom Who is responsible for clean-up? THE LAW * Schools legally cannot turn a child away for not being toilet trained. Federal law (in the U.S.) requires that students are offered FAPE (a free and appropriate education). If they do turn a...

Post #132…No Common Sense…Example #117

What Has Happened To Our Pre-School Children? America’s Future Workforce While researching for a future post for the website, I came across the following statements from three teachers that shine a bright light on a critical weakness in our education...

Post #131…No Common Sense…Example #116

America’s Road To Self-Destruction Introduction America is on a path to self-destruction. It will take several paradigm shifts to avoid self-destruction. The outline for a plan to avoid self-destruction is presented below; and is a framework upon which more...

Post #130…No Common Sense…Example #115

Incredible & Unusual Motors The Bourke Engine  * Russell Bourke was probably one of the true geniuses in the field of internal combustion engines. Upon noting the incredible waste of motion in the standard auto engine, he set about designing his own engine in...

Post #129…No Common Sense…Example #114

Hydrogen Auto Fuel Hydrogen Generator…Sam Leach of Los Angeles developed a revolutionary Hydrogen extraction process during the  mid-70s. This unit was said to easily extract free Hydrogen from water and yet be small enough for use in automobiles. In 1976 two...

Post #128…No Common Sense…Example #113

Younger People and Cancer The experts that  monitor America’s health are having a problem answering a serious question: Why are cancer cases increasing in young adults? David O. Carpenter is one of those experts. He is a professor of environmental health...