Author’s Posts
Post #139…No Common Sense…Example #124
The Invisible Border * America's natural borders are crossed by people from other countries looking for a better life; escaping from dictatorships, poverty, and even death at the hands of rivalling groups fighting for control of their country. * The history of...
Post #138…No Common Sense…Example #123
Common Sense...Degrees Of Difficulty In general; achieving Common Sense becomes more difficult as the number of people, places, and things involved increases. 1. LOW DIFFICULTY...A personal person involved; you! Example...If you had a dental problem...
Post #137…No Common Sense…Example #122
Funding Education Post #136 reviewed Technology Development and Education Development from 1620-2025; let's do the same for the Funding of Education. AGRARIAN & HANDCRAFT 1620-1869 * Throughout this period the funding of education was the responsibility of the...
Post #136…No Common Sense…Example #121
Technology Development vs Education Development America's evolution from a small group of farmers to a global powerhouse took place in five major phases of development. 1. Agrarian & Handcraft 2. Industry & Machine Technology 3. Advanced Technology 4. Super...
Post #135…No Common Sense…Example #120
Inclusion vs Quality of Education * Post #65 explains in detail how Inclusion reduces the Teaching Time (TT) in a classroom. * To compete in a global economy fueled by Super Technology America must have a superbly educated and healthy workforce. * America's most...
Post #134…No Common Sense…Example #119
Inside-the-Box or Outside-the Box Solution? The Problem...Wrong-way collisions on highways caused by drivers mistakenly entering an exit ramp. The Inside-the-box solution (a variation of the Status Quo)...Key preventative measures include: installing highly...
Post #133…No Common Sense…Example #118
Pee and Poop in the classroom Who is responsible for clean-up? THE LAW * Schools legally cannot turn a child away for not being toilet trained. Federal law (in the U.S.) requires that students are offered FAPE (a free and appropriate education). If they do turn a...
Post #132…No Common Sense…Example #117
What Has Happened To Our Pre-School Children? America's Future Workforce While researching for a future post for the website, I came across the following statements from three teachers that shine a bright light on a critical weakness in our education process. Read it...
Post #131…No Common Sense…Example #116
America's Road To Self-Destruction Introduction America is on a path to self-destruction. It will take several paradigm shifts to avoid self-destruction. The outline for a plan to avoid self-destruction is presented below; and is a framework upon which more rigorous...