Author’s Posts
Post #144…No Common Sense…Example #129
New York Housing Blues * The New York Housing Authority (NYCHA) is a public development corporation which provides public housing in New York City, and is the largest housing authority in North America. Created in 1934 as the first agency of its kind in the United...
Post 143,,,No Common Sense…Example #128
Spring Training Blues * As one of the biggest sports leagues in America, with TV viewers reaching into the million, Major League Baseball (MLB) can afford to pay players handsomely. * The average salary for a player in MLB stood at $4.98 million dollars in 2024,...
Post #142…No Common Sense…Example #127
History Repeats Itself JAPAN...late in the 12th Century (1186) * Japan is a crippled Empire: greed, corruption, lawlessness, political intrigue, abuse of power, and total immorality have driven the Japanese Empire into a state of demoralization AMERICA...early in the...
Post #141…No Common Sense…Example #126
More Suppressed Engines The Diesel Engine * Dr. Rudolph Diesel took the crude heavy fuel burning engine designs of those before him and refined them into the major engineering success of the 1900s. His invention immediately threatened the whole steam engine industry...
Post #140…No Common Sense…Example #125
Electrostatic Motors * The modern world's first electric motor was an electrostatic motor invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1748. Through the years, little was done in this field until Dr. Jehmenko came on the scene. This good physicist felt it was a "waste" not to be...
Post #139…No Common Sense…Example #124
The Invisible Border * America's natural borders are crossed by people from other countries looking for a better life; escaping from dictatorships, poverty, and even death at the hands of rivalling groups fighting for control of their country. * The history of...
Post #138…No Common Sense…Example #123
Common Sense...Degrees Of Difficulty In general; achieving Common Sense becomes more difficult as the number of people, places, and things involved increases. 1. LOW DIFFICULTY...A personal person involved; you! Example...If you had a dental problem...
Post #137…No Common Sense…Example #122
Funding Education Post #136 reviewed Technology Development and Education Development from 1620-2025; let's do the same for the Funding of Education. AGRARIAN & HANDCRAFT 1620-1869 * Throughout this period the funding of education was the responsibility of the...
Post #136…No Common Sense…Example #121
Technology Development vs Education Development America's evolution from a small group of farmers to a global powerhouse took place in five major phases of development. 1. Agrarian & Handcraft 2. Industry & Machine Technology 3. Advanced Technology 4. Super...