Is Our Constitution A Benchmark For Democracy?

The answer to that question is NO! Here are three good reasons why that is true. In the original Constitution:

1. The words woman/women never appear.

2. A slave is counted as 3/5 of a person.

3. Two elections are required…General and Electoral College…such that a small number of Electoral College votes overrides millions of General Election votes.

How can any document, or process, be considered to be a Benchmark For Democracy when it does not recognize the rights of women, counts  slaves as 3/5 of a person, and has two elections for President?

* It took too many decades for women’s rights to be considered, and slavery to be abolished! But the most undemocratic component, the Electoral College, is still a major part of our Undemocratic Process.

You can not have a government of, by, and for the people if you have two elections for President!


* President George Washington once wrote: “A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a Republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty is more pressing than communicating it to those who are the future guardians of the liberties of the country?”

* How many Elementary School Students, Grades (K-5), have been told what the Constitution is?

* How many Middle School Students, Grades (6-8), understand what the Constitution stands for?

* How many High School Students, Grades (9-12), know how Members of Congress(during their Oath of Office) pledge to protect the Constitution. The Preamble of the Constitution clearly defines the six elements that Members of Congress must support and defend.

1. Form a more perfect union

2. Establish Justice

3. Insure domestic tranquility

4. Provide for the common defense

5. Promote the general welfare

6. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

* How many College Students can name the six elements of the Constitution that Members of Congress  pledged to support and defend?

* How many adults can name the six elements of the Constitution that Members of Congress pledged to support and defend?

* Come on folks, we are living in 2024 not 1788!

It is time to wake-up  and create a Constitution that can be called a Benchmark for Democracy!   



* What supports and barriers were in play?

* What were the dynamics?

* Who, or what, won the Tug-Of-War?

*Discuss the outcome with your friends and family.

* Use Post #4 as a reference for the relationships and dynamics between supports and barriers.